Our Story
Our roots reach back to 1933 when a group of ladies wanted a house of worship. With nothing available, a tobacco barn became the meeting place. Since those early years, the church has gone through many changes but the roots of our faith remain unchanged. In 1940 the first building was built by Rev. H.C. Meek. Then in the early 1970's, a larger building was built. By 1977 Pastor Paul & Abbie Baggett became the pastors and saw amazing growth and unique opportunities to reach out around the world. By 2003 Pastors Clay & Tawana Baggett had come alongside Pastor Paul & Abbie to lead into a new season as God began to increase the vision of the house. It was time to move to a larger property and we purchased a multiplex theater in Rivergate and transformed it into a new worship center. The next chapter begins in 2014 when God began to guide the leadership to increase that vision once again. We located the growth sector in our region and began praying for direction and opportunity. In 2015 we felt the Lord say it was time and we sold our properties and purchased land in our area's projected growth sector and became a, temporarily, mobile church while we designed the next campus home. Today, the growing new campus at 502 Douglas Bend Road in Gallatin is a story of God's faithfulness. You'll find that the design of the campus speaks to a visual connection of the importance of our spiritual roots and growth. The vision of a small group of ladies in a rural area called Dog-patch shows the power of being faithful to a dream.